Would You Buy Fake Dirty Jeans For $425?

Expensive Nordstorm Fake Mud JeansJust when you thought the stylish trend of taking a pair of brand new perfectly good pair of jeans and ripping a hole in them and selling them for four times the regular price was stupid, Nordstrom has raised the bar by selling a pair of fake mud jeans for $425.

If you are wondering what in the world are fake mud jeans, they are exactly what it sounds like: jeans covered in fake brown mud.

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We Own Too Much Stuff

ClutterSelf-storage is an interesting concept. Behind rows of corrugated metal doors at the self-storage facility are closets filled with items that people couldn’t bear to throw away. Instead they are paying monthly rent for space not for people to live in, but to store things so they can make more room at home to buy even more things.

We simply own too much stuff in our lives. Here is why the minimalism movement is attracting more and more people.

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