Buying Gas From These Stations Is Better For Your Car

Top Tier Gas StationsDoes the brand of gas matter when you are fueling up your car or do you pull into which ever gas station at the corner that has the lowest price posted on the sign? After all, gasoline is gasoline, and it’s all the same stuff right?

According to results from independent laboratory testing, AAA has found that there are significant differences in the quality of gasoline sold in the United States.

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The Equifax Hacking and What You Need To Do Now

Equifax HackedLast week Equifax announced that up to 143 million people may have had their information compromised in a hack on their website due to an unpatched application. A security review found unauthorized access that occurred from mid May to the end of July, when the security breach was discovered.

Personal information that was accessed included everything from names, Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses, and even driver license numbers. Some 200,000 consumers also had credit card numbers stolen, and 182,000 had certain dispute documents with “personal identifying information” stolen.

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Buying A New Car or Used Car: Which One Is A Better Choice?

Adorable Dog In CarFor many people, buying a car is the second most expensive purchase in one’s life behind a house. With the average new vehicle transaction costing $34,077 in 2016 according to Edmunds, you may be wondering if you should choose a new or used car for your next purchase. I had this same dilemma when I was car shopping at the end of last year. Both choices have their own advantages. To help you decide which one to choose, here are some reasons for going with each option.

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Tips To Save Big Money On Vacation Rentals

Independence Pass ColoradoI always read online how people say they want to travel more often, but traveling is really expensive. Two of the most expensive costs of visiting a new destination is the airfare and the lodging. At least with plane tickets, it is a one time fee for a roundtrip ticket. Once you’ve arrived at your destination, you will have to pay hotel and lodging fees every night you are on vacation. Is there are better way to stay for cheaper? Most definitely!

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11 Tips To Defeat The Procrastination Monster

Procrastination Alarm ClockYou’ve got an important project that needs to be completed. However, instead of working on it you are busy doing other things like watching funny videos on Youtube, checking what your friends are up to on Facebook, browsing cat pictures on Reddit, hitting the new messages button on your email, or surfing yummy food blogs. Doing anything else seems like a better idea than working on what really needs to be done.

Does this sound familiar? If you are nodding your head yes, then you understand what it is like to suffer from procrastination.

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Buying 8TB Western Digital Red Drives For Almost 30% Off

Western Digital Easystore 8TBLike money, there is no such thing as too much hard drive space. You can never seem to have enough disk storage and it disappears quicker than you think thanks to things like high resolution photos from cameras, 1080p footage from GoPro’s, disk hungry video games, movies and TV shows, and system backups (you are making backups, right?). It also doesn’t help that Windows 10 requires 20 gigabytes just for a fresh installation before all the system updates that surely will be coming. Online cloud storage has gotten a lot of press lately, but for many people, storing their files privately and offline is still preferable. Or maybe you are like me and have a 144TB file server that you want to backup at the lowest price possible.

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How Much Money You Need To Save A Day To Become A Millionaire

Snow Covered MountaintopSo you want to be a millionaire but think there has to be a better way than appearing on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire or winning the Mega Millions? Then this blog post is for you.

A seven-figure net worth might seem almost impossible when considering that the average American has a net worth of $68,828 from the 2011 Census Bureau data.

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The Amazing Superpower Of Compound Interest

Snow Covered MountaintopIf you are young or just graduated from college, the last thing on you mind might be saving for retirement. After all, you still have plenty of time right, since retirement is still over 40 years away. Wrong. The best time to start saving for retirement is right now.

Yes, you could start saving in five or ten years and live it up in your twenties traveling and going out every weekend, but it will cost you. It will cost you a lot more than you think because of a phenomenon called compound interest.

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Building A 144 TB Server For Colocation

Server ColocationI was renting a 72TB dedicated server for $799/month since December 2012. By 2016, that server was running out of space.

Faced with either ordering a second server for the same price or building and colocating my own server, I did the math and decided to build my own $6,700 144TB server and ended up saving thousands.

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Switching From Dedicated Server Hosting To Colocation For Massive Savings

Server ColocationSince December 2012 I have been leasing a large dedicated server for one of my websites. This server has 72TB of raw disk storage with a monthly fee of $799. The site gets 25 gigabytes of new content uploaded daily and by the beginning of 2016, the available disk space was down to less than 10TB.

Faced with running out of space by the end of the year, I started looking for a new solution. One of the first ideas was renting a second 72TB server from the same company, which would have doubled my server hosting cost to $1600 a month.

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